Thursday, July 10, 2003

I'm OK, You're OK

Alright, yes I've been in a melancholy and maudlin mood the past several days.

But apparently quoting a song and honestly expressing frustration are just a bit too much.

At dinner the other evening a friend who reads this stuff (see, there's one!) asked me "are you OK?"

Yeah, why?

"Well I read your post and I'm worried about you..."

And I've gotten a couple similar emails.

I'm fine, people, trust me on this. I'm in the middle of several converging life-cycles right now. Namely, I'm approaching three years of employment with my current company. For me three years seems to be an upper limit, a time where I desperately crave leaving and change. So I'm dreaming of all these different careers I could have chosen, alternative paths I could have taken. In the midst of that reverie I get up and go to work at my stable, crappy project.

Seriously...I'm writing Excel VBA code this week. It doesn't get much crappier than that :-)

But I'm fine. Sometimes there is a disconnect between my emotions and my mind. And it's those times that I most like to write. So this forum probably doesn't represent the "real" me. Maybe I'll work on that. Maybe.


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