Sunday, June 15, 2003

Road signs as metaphor

Driving to church this morning I passed a private road, a glorified driveway essentially. The street sign at the intersection labled the little side-street as "Promise Lane."

On a separate post directly next to it was a bright yellow caution sign reading "Dead End."


On a totally unrelated note I was with my parents today talking about a recent trip that I took to Colorado. I said "I could move to Colorado in a heartbeat." And my dad, in what seemed to be a non sequitor, said "Oh, I wish you would."

Really? And so he answered that yes, he likes me being close in the midwest, and that ultimately where I live is up to me. But there was a subtle hint in his voice that he might like having someone to visit out there.

Hmmm. People shouldn't plant these ideas in my head. I dream all the time of doing crazy things like moving across the country. The last thing I need is my dad telling me that it's a good idea.


I am loving my accounting class. But this "semester in six weeks" schedule is killing me. I get home in time to have dinner at 11:00 pm right before going to bed. It's delightful.


I finally caught Matrix:Reloaded this weekend. My friend Tim and I sat behind a delightful family of four: two adults and four kids, ages 4 through about ten. They kept shushing each other. It was wonderful.

But I'm so confused. Hopefully M^3 clears everything up. I won't even express my questions here. But I don't believe a word that the architect said. That much I know.


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