Sunday, November 07, 2004

Mind the gap

I'm sitting in my bargain-basement, last-minute hotel in Camden (which in London still means $100+/night) reflecting on what it means to travel. First, quick travelogue: I've eaten Indian, Belgian, Chinese, French, Moroccan and Japanese food. I've visited the British Museum (artifacts from essentially every time and culture), the National Gallery (I love paintings...but of course I prefer the Impressionist period and its surrounding times). I worshiped at a baptist church this morning and at St. Paul's cathedral this afternoon.

It is the church experiences that best summarize my trip. I idly wandered into the Baptist service ten minutes late. I was welcomed and conversed afterward with boh a local and with an American woman living in London while her husband studies theology at King's college. There is something sacred and profound about the "fellowship of the saints", and it can be felt immediately.

And then St. Paul's...a church has sat on that site since 604AD. That current building was built in the late 1600s. The architecture, the art, the transcendent pipe organ, the faultless choir: I was weeping during the evensong service. "In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. World without end. Amen." Indeed.

I love traveling. I love wandering around lost until I find a familiar corner. The past couple of days have afforded me ample "alone time." I've stuck my iPod in my ears and walked and walked and walked. I have never been to a bigger city than this and I love the variety and the crush of people. If it weren't so expensive I'd be tempted to live here. As it is, I'm already planning my return trip.

For those of you at home: I miss you all and cannot wait to return.

(11:10PM local...)


At 6:18 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Take your time, Bri! We dont need you back for a while!


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